Vivaldi, The Cuckoo, with vilino piccolo

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

See for more violin and classical music talk

See and for more classical
music and jazz talk.

Plus violin shops in the Phoenix area.

If you have a violin or flute to sell e-mail

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Rare Books and Prints: Rare Books and Prints

Rare Books and Prints: Rare Books and Prints: "Out-of-print books and books from other time periods are sought after by collectors for research. The rarity of a book will often determine ..."

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Giuseppe Tartini, 1692 – 1770, Italian composer and violinist

Tartini's most famous work is the "Devil's Trill Sonata," a violin sonata that requires double stop trills which are difficult for any violinist. One legend claimed that Tartini had six fingers on his left hand enabling him to play these trills with ease. Another legend added Tartini was inspired to write the sonata by a dream in which the Devil appeared at the foot of his bed playing the violin.